Senin, 02 Februari 2015

The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP - As our new issue of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP, Issue 9, "Expressing the Human Story" has just been published it might be an opportune time to reflect on the history of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP and how we have progressed toward our goals over the last five years.
The seeds for IJCAIP were planted in the spring of 2006. At that time we had envisioned a global community linked around the creative arts and its broader applications in research and practice, a network that would extend beyond any single modality, methodology or exclusive field of study drawn from across disciplinary borders in health, education and training.
To achieve this goal, and to provide the necessary communication channels for research and information, individuals were identified and organizations interested in arts in health, training and education were contacted personally to ask if they might like to access a web based newsletter that featured articles about the creative arts as applied across disciplines. The response to this inquiry was overwhelmingly positive. The Canadian Creative Arts in Health Training and Education e/newsjournal or CCAHTE as it was known, was launched in September 2006 as an open access (OA) internet news/journal, the interdisciplinary journal of the creative arts in health, training and education.
An advisory board was established with representation from leading universities and institutions across North America and diverse disciplines in education, the arts and healthcare (nursing, public health, medicine) design and business. As an Open Access journal, we operated CCAHTE on a free subscription basis and welcomed articles from contributors worldwide.
Three years later, in consultation with the journal advisory board and to reflect the publication's broadening scope and international status as the open access peer reviewed academic journal in the field, the journal was renamed The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP. During this time, a new IJCAIP website was professionally designed for increased ease of navigation and easy access to full text articles and an accessible back issue archive was created.
Today IJCAIP has an Advisory Board made up of leaders across disciplines and has a large international subscriber base. The web based open access publication is accessible to researchers, educators and students in over 15,000 libraries in 60 countries around the world incluAs our new issue of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP, Issue 9, " Expressing the Human Story " has just been published it may be an opportune chance to reflect upon the history of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP and just how We've Got progressed toward our goals during the last five years.
The seeds for IJCAIP were planted inside the spring of 2006. At at that moment there was envisioned a worldwide community linked all around the creative arts and its particular broader applications in research and practice, a network that may extend beyond any single modality, methodology or exclusive field of study drawn from across disciplinary borders in health, education and training.
To attain this goal, and to supply the required communication channels for research and information, individuals were identified and organizations inquisitive about arts in health, training and education were contacted personally to question whenever they might prefer to access a web based newsletter that featured articles in regards to the creative arts as applied across disciplines. The response for this inquiry was overwhelmingly positive. The Canadian Creative Arts in Health Training and Education e/newsjournal or CCAHTE because it was known, was launched in September 2006 being an open access (OA) internet news/journal, the interdisciplinary journal in the creative arts in health, training and education.
An advisory board was established with representation from leading universities and institutions across North America and diverse disciplines in education, the arts and healthcare (nursing, public health, medicine) design and business. Being an Open Access journal, we operated CCAHTE over a free subscription basis and welcomed articles from contributors worldwide.
3 years later, in consultation using the journal advisory board and also to reflect the publication's broadening scope and international status just like the open access peer reviewed academic journal inside the field, the journal was renamed The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP. During this point, a brand new IJCAIP website was professionally made for increased simple navigation and straightforward admittance to full text articles and an accessible back issue archive was created.
Today IJCAIP has an Advisory Board made up of leaders across disciplines and also has a huge international subscriber base. The online based open access publication is accessible to researchers, educators and students in over 15, 000 libraries in 60 countries all over the world including developing nations.ding developing nations.

Site                :
ISSN              : 1911-9755
Subject           : Education - Art in general - Medicine (General) performing Arts
Publisher        : Cheryl McLean
Country          : Canada
Language        : English
Keyword         : interdiciplinary creative art research, health, training, education
Start year        : 2006

The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP

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