Senin, 16 Maret 2015

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) - The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) aims to function a forum of socio-cultural and life scientists and health professionals, especially those that share common interests in understanding citizenry especially aboriginals, backwards and minorities.

Site             :
ISSN             : 0972 - 639x
Subject         :  Anthropology, Social Sciences
Publisher       : Kamla-Raj Enterprises
Country         : India
Language       : English
Keyword       : socio-cultural and life scientists
Start year       : 2003

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) 

The journal Studies of Tribes and Tribals (Stud Tribes Tribals) 

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