Senin, 16 Maret 2015

WEB-FU - Elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik

Free-journal.comWEB-FU is the e-journal of the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies of the Institute of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies at the University of Vienna. It publishes contributions to the Finno-Hungarian Studies, Cultural Studies, to foreign language teaching to minority problems. New and interesting books will be presented in short discussions. In addition, it also serves as a forum for publication of student research papers on the topics mentioned area. An editorial team reviewed submitted texts and releases them for publication.

There is no fixed Frequency: Adopted by the editorial articles are immediately posted online!

5 Year Diamond Jubilee of e-journals and the design of the WEB-FU has been completely redesigned. We hope to meet with general approval.

Also exists the possibility to be informed about new posts: Who subscribes to the new WEBFU mailing list, get an automatic notification when a new article is published. Subscribe or unsubscribe may be the easiest on the list home page.

Link               :
ISSN              : 1609882X
Subject           : Language and literatures - Anthropology
Publisher        : Universitat Wien
Country          : Austria
Language        : German, English, Hungarian, Finnish, Estonian
Keyword         : finno-ugrian linguistics, literary critics, cultural studies
Start year        : 2001

WEB-FU - Elektronische Beiträge des Instituts für Finno-Ugristik

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